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Load and return the CIFAR100 dataset.

Please consider using the ciFAIR100 dataset instead. CIFAR100 contains duplicates between its train and test sets.


Name Type Description Default
root_dir str

The path to store the downloaded data. When path is not provided, the data will be saved into fastestimator_data under the user's home directory.

image_key str

The key for image.

label_key str

The key for label.

label_mode str

Either "fine" for 100 classes or "coarse" for 20 classes.

channels_last bool

Whether channel is last



Type Description
Tuple[NumpyDataset, NumpyDataset]

(train_data, eval_data)


Type Description

If the label_mode is invalid.

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/data/
def load_data(root_dir: str = None,
              image_key: str = "x",
              label_key: str = "y",
              label_mode: str = "fine",
              channels_last: bool = True) -> Tuple[NumpyDataset, NumpyDataset]:
    """Load and return the CIFAR100 dataset.

    Please consider using the ciFAIR100 dataset instead. CIFAR100 contains duplicates between its train and test sets.

        root_dir: The path to store the downloaded data. When `path` is not provided, the data will be saved into
            `fastestimator_data` under the user's home directory.
        image_key: The key for image.
        label_key: The key for label.
        label_mode: Either "fine" for 100 classes or "coarse" for 20 classes.
        channels_last: Whether channel is last

        (train_data, eval_data)

        ValueError: If the label_mode is invalid.
    warn("Consider using the ciFAIR100 dataset instead.")
    if label_mode not in ['fine', 'coarse']:
        raise ValueError("label_mode must be one of either 'fine' or 'coarse'.")
    home = str(Path.home())

    if root_dir is None:
        root_dir = os.path.join(home, 'fastestimator_data', 'cifar100')
        root_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(root_dir), 'cifar100')
    os.makedirs(root_dir, exist_ok=True)

    image_compressed_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'cifar100.tar.gz')
    image_extracted_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'cifar-100-python')

    if not os.path.exists(image_extracted_path):
        print("Downloading data to {}".format(root_dir))
        download_file_from_google_drive('1ntXqOaXMaq4TcvpCaOCpqqNCjYy2oVsb', image_compressed_path)

        print("Extracting data to {}".format(root_dir))
        with as img_tar:

    train_data_path = os.path.join(image_extracted_path, "train")
    x_train, y_train = load_batch(train_data_path, label_key=label_mode + "_labels")

    eval_data_path = os.path.join(image_extracted_path, "test")
    x_eval, y_eval = load_batch(eval_data_path, label_key=label_mode + "_labels")

    y_eval = np.array(y_eval)

    if channels_last:
        x_train = x_train.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)
        x_eval = x_eval.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)

    train_data = NumpyDataset({image_key: x_train, label_key: y_train})
    eval_data = NumpyDataset({image_key: x_eval, label_key: y_eval})
    return train_data, eval_data