@traceable(blacklist=('ctx_loader', 'ctx_lock'))
class Pipeline:
"""A data pipeline class that takes care of data pre-processing.
train_data: The training data, or None if no training data is available.
eval_data: The evaluation data, or None if no evaluation data is available.
test_data: The testing data, or None if no evaluation data is available.
batch_size: The batch size to be used by the pipeline. If the batch_size is also set by a Batch Op, that value
will take precedence over this one (for example, if you want to set the batch_size based on mode or ds_is).
NOTE: This argument is only applicable when using a FastEstimator Dataset.
NOTE: This is the global batch size regardless of the number of GPUs available in the machine. If you have
multiple (N) GPUs, each will receive batch_size/N elements during a training step.
ops: NumpyOps to be used for pre-processing. NOTE: This argument is only applicable when using a FastEstimator
num_process: Number of CPU threads to use for data pre-processing. NOTE: This argument is only applicable when
using a FastEstimator Dataset. None will default to min(n_cpus, max(32, 32*n_gpus)). Multiprocessing can be
disabled by passing 0 here, which can be useful for debugging.
mp_warned: bool = False
ops: List[Union[NumpyOp, Scheduler[NumpyOp]]]
data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[DataSource, Scheduler[DataSource]]]] # {"mode": {"ds_id": ds}}
def __init__(self,
train_data: Union[None,
Dict[str, Union[None, DataSource, Scheduler[DataSource]]]] = None,
eval_data: Union[None,
Dict[str, Union[None, DataSource, Scheduler[DataSource]]]] = None,
test_data: Union[None,
Dict[str, Union[None, DataSource, Scheduler[DataSource]]]] = None,
batch_size: Union[None, int, Scheduler[int]] = None,
ops: Union[None, NumpyOp, Scheduler[NumpyOp], List[Union[None, NumpyOp, Scheduler[NumpyOp]]]] = None,
num_process: Optional[int] = None):
data = {x: y for (x, y) in zip(["train", "eval", "test"], [train_data, eval_data, test_data]) if y}
self.data = self._register_ds_ids(data)
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.ops = filter_nones(to_list(ops))
if mp.get_start_method(allow_none=True) is None and os.name != 'nt':
self.num_process = num_process if num_process is not None else min(cpu_count(), 32 * get_num_devices())
if mp.get_start_method(allow_none=True) != 'fork' and self.num_process > 0 and not self.mp_warned:
warn("Pipeline multiprocessing is disabled. OS must support the 'fork' start method.")
self.num_process = 0
self.mp_warned = True
self._verify_inputs(**{k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k != 'self'})
# Loader Variables
self.ctx_lock = Lock()
self.ctx_mode = 'train'
self.ctx_epoch = 1
self.ctx_shuffle = True
self.ctx_output_keys = None
self.ctx_loader = None
self.ctx_ds_id = None
self.ctx_batch_size = None
self.ctx_ops = []
self.ctx_batch_info = Batch()
self.ctx_batch_ops = []
self.ctx_batch_input_keys = set()
def _register_ds_ids(
data: Dict[str,
Union[DataSource, Scheduler[DataSource], Dict[str, Union[None, DataSource, Scheduler[DataSource]]]]]
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[DataSource, Scheduler[DataSource]]]]:
"""Associate dataset of each mode with a `ds_id`.
data: A dictionary with mode as key, dataset as value.
forbidden_ds_id_chars = {":", "!", ";", "|"}
for mode, dataset in data.items():
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
for ds_name in dataset:
assert isinstance(ds_name, str) and len(ds_name) > 0, \
"dataset id must be a string, found {}".format(ds_name)
assert not any(char in ds_name for char in forbidden_ds_id_chars), \
"dataset id should not contain forbidden characters like ':', ';', '!', '|', " + \
"found {} in pipeline".format(ds_name)
data[mode] = filter_nones(dataset)
# Empty string is special, matches against ops which require '!ds1' but not 'ds1'
data[mode] = {"": dataset}
return cast(Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[DataSource, Scheduler[DataSource]]]], data)
def _verify_inputs(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""A helper method to ensure that the Pipeline inputs are valid.
**kwargs: A collection of variable / value pairs to validate.
AssertionError: If `batch_size`, `ops`, or `num_process` were specified in the absence of a FastEstimator
fe_dataset = False
for dataset in get_current_items(set(d for ds in self.data.values() for d in ds.values())):
fe_dataset = self._verify_dataset(dataset, **kwargs) or fe_dataset
if self.data and not fe_dataset: # If the user provided no datasets at all, still let them use ops for infer
assert kwargs['batch_size'] is None, "Pipeline only supports batch_size with built-in (FE) datasets"
assert kwargs['ops'] is None, "Pipeline only supports ops with built-in (FE) datasets"
assert kwargs['num_process'] is None, "Pipeline only support num_process with built-in (FE) datasets"
# Make sure that the user provides at most 1 Batch Op for a given epoch/mode/ds_id
batch_ops = []
schedule_epochs = {1}
schedule_cycles = set()
for op in self.ops:
if isinstance(op, Batch):
if isinstance(op, Scheduler):
# Only keep the scheduler if it contains at least one Batch op
vals = op.get_all_values()
for val in vals:
if isinstance(val, Batch):
if isinstance(op, EpochScheduler):
schedule_epochs |= op.epoch_dict.keys()
elif isinstance(op, RepeatScheduler):
# Some unknown scheduler, no known shortcuts so just try first 100 epochs to be safe
schedule_epochs |= {*range(1, 100)}
# After m*n steps all possible m and n combinations will be visited
schedule_cycles = functools.reduce(mul, schedule_cycles, 1)
# Consider x + m*n epochs for each epoch scheduler x value
schedule_epochs = sorted({
for base_epoch in schedule_epochs
for epoch in list(range(base_epoch, base_epoch + schedule_cycles))
for mode, id_ds in list(self.data.items()) + [('infer', {'': None})]:
for ds_id in id_ds.keys():
for epoch in schedule_epochs:
ops = get_current_items(batch_ops, run_modes=mode, epoch=epoch, ds_id=ds_id)
# We have to do an instance check again since the user could technically use a scheduler that has a
# Batch Op at one point, but some other Op (or None) at a different point
ops = [op for op in ops if isinstance(op, Batch)]
assert len(ops) < 2, "You may provide at most 1 batch op for a given epoch/mode/ds_id combination"
def _verify_dataset(self, dataset: DataSource, **kwargs) -> bool:
"""A helper function to ensure that all of a dataset's arguments are correct.
dataset: The dataset to validate against.
**kwargs: A selection of variables and their values which must be validated.
True iff the `dataset` is a PyTorch Dataset (as opposed to a DataLoader or tf.data.Dataset).
AssertionError: If the `kwargs` are found to be invalid based on the given `dataset`.
ValueError: If the `dataset` is of an unknown type.
if isinstance(dataset, Dataset):
# batch_size check
for batch_size in get_current_items(to_list(self.batch_size)):
assert isinstance(batch_size, int), "unsupported batch_size format: {}".format(type(batch_size))
# ops check
for op in get_current_items(self.ops):
assert isinstance(op, NumpyOp), "unsupported op format, must provide NumpyOp in Pipeline"
# num_process check
assert isinstance(self.num_process, int), "number of processes must be an integer"
return True
elif isinstance(dataset, (DataLoader, tf.data.Dataset)):
if kwargs['batch_size'] is not None:
warn("batch_size will only be used for built-in dataset")
if kwargs['ops'] is not None:
warn("ops will only be used for built-in dataset")
if kwargs['num_process'] is not None:
warn("num_process will only be used for built-in dataset")
return False
raise ValueError("Unsupported dataset type: {}".format(type(dataset)))
def _get_op_split(self, mode: str, epoch: int,
ds_id: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> Tuple[List[NumpyOp], Batch, List[NumpyOp]]:
"""Figure out which ops are pre-batch vs post-batch.
mode: The current mode.
epoch: The current epoch.
ds_id: The current dataset id(s).
(instance ops, batch info, batch ops).
batch_info = Batch()
instance_ops = []
batch_ops = []
ops = get_current_items(self.ops, run_modes=mode, epoch=epoch, ds_id=ds_id)
target = instance_ops
for op in ops:
if isinstance(op, Batch):
batch_info = op
target = batch_ops
return instance_ops, batch_info, batch_ops
def get_modes(self, epoch: Optional[int] = None) -> Set[str]:
"""Get the modes for which the Pipeline has data.
epoch: The current epoch index
The modes for which the Pipeline has data.
if epoch is None:
all_modes = set(self.data.keys())
all_modes = []
for mode, datasets in self.data.items():
for dataset in datasets.values():
if isinstance(dataset, Scheduler):
dataset = dataset.get_current_value(epoch)
if dataset:
return to_set(all_modes)
def get_ds_ids(self, epoch: int, mode: str) -> List[str]:
"""Get the ds_ids for a given epoch and mode.
epoch: The current epoch index.
mode: The current execution mode.
The ds_ids of the current epoch and mode.
ds_ids = []
if mode in self.data:
datasets = self.data[mode]
for ds_id, dataset in datasets.items():
if isinstance(dataset, Scheduler):
dataset = dataset.get_current_value(epoch)
if dataset:
return ds_ids
def benchmark(self,
mode: str = "train",
epoch: int = 1,
ds_id: Optional[str] = None,
num_steps: int = 1000,
log_interval: int = 100,
detailed: bool = True) -> None:
"""Benchmark the pipeline processing speed.
mode: The execution mode to benchmark. This can be 'train', 'eval' or 'test'.
epoch: The epoch index to benchmark. Note that epoch indices are 1-indexed.
ds_id: The ds_id to benchmark. If None, all ds_ids will be benchmarked.
num_steps: The number of steps over which to perform the benchmark.
log_interval: The logging interval.
detailed: Whether to display the detailed time used by each operator.
if ds_id is None:
ds_ids = self.get_ds_ids(epoch=epoch, mode=mode)
ds_ids = [ds_id]
for ds_id in ds_ids:
with self(mode=mode, epoch=epoch, ds_id=ds_id, steps_per_epoch=num_steps) as loader:
if isinstance(loader, tf.data.Dataset):
loader = loader.take(num_steps)
start = time.perf_counter()
for idx, _ in enumerate(loader, start=1):
if idx % log_interval == 0:
duration = time.perf_counter() - start
iters_per_sec = log_interval / duration
ds_str = f"Dataset: {ds_id}, " if ds_id else ""
print("FastEstimator-Benchmark ({}): {}Step: {}, Epoch: {}, Steps/sec: {}".format(
mode.capitalize(), ds_str, idx, epoch, iters_per_sec))
start = time.perf_counter()
# Pipeline Operations Benchmarking when using FEDataset
if isinstance(loader, FEDataLoader) and isinstance(loader.dataset, OpDataset) and detailed:
# (n_visited, duration)
duration_list = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.ctx_ops) + 1 + len(self.ctx_batch_ops), 2))
data_len = len(loader.dataset)
ds_str = f", Dataset: {ds_id}" if ds_id else ""
print("\nBreakdown of time taken by Pipeline Operations (Mode: {}, Epoch: {}{})\n".format(
mode.capitalize(), epoch, ds_str))
extra_memory_management_time = 0
for _ in range(log_interval):
filtered = False
batch = []
index = np.random.randint(data_len)
items = deepcopy(loader.dataset.dataset[index])
if isinstance(items, list):
while not batch:
filtered = False
# BatchDataset may randomly sample the same elements multiple times, avoid reprocessing
unique_samples = set()
for item in items:
if id(item) not in unique_samples:
for i, op in enumerate(self.ctx_ops):
start = time.perf_counter()
op_data = forward_numpyop([op], item, {'mode': loader.dataset.mode})
duration = time.perf_counter() - start
duration_list[i][0] += 1
duration_list[i][1] += duration
if isinstance(op_data, FilteredData):
filtered = True
if not filtered:
batch = items
while len(batch) < (self.ctx_batch_size or 1):
filtered = False
for i, op in enumerate(self.ctx_ops):
start = time.perf_counter()
op_data = forward_numpyop([op], items, {'mode': mode})
duration = time.perf_counter() - start
duration_list[i][0] += 1
duration_list[i][1] += duration
if isinstance(op_data, FilteredData):
filtered = True
if not filtered:
index = np.random.randint(data_len)
items = deepcopy(loader.dataset.dataset[index])
if not filtered:
# Perform the batching
start = time.perf_counter()
batch = self.ctx_batch_info.collate_fn(batch)
duration = time.perf_counter() - start
duration_list[len(self.ctx_ops)][0] += 1
duration_list[len(self.ctx_ops)][1] += duration
# Perform batch ops
start = time.perf_counter()
# Transform to numpy to not bias against the first op in the batch_op chain
batch = to_tensor(batch, target_type='np')
extra_memory_management_time += time.perf_counter() - start
for i, op in enumerate(self.ctx_batch_ops, start=len(self.ctx_ops) + 1):
start = time.perf_counter()
op_data = forward_numpyop([op], data=batch, state={'mode': mode}, batched='np')
duration = time.perf_counter() - start
duration_list[i][0] += 1
duration_list[i][1] += duration
if isinstance(op_data, FilteredData):
# Count extra time needed to cast data back to torch
start = time.perf_counter()
to_tensor(batch, target_type='torch', shared_memory=True)
extra_memory_management_time += time.perf_counter() - start
if self.ctx_batch_ops:
# Extra memory management penalty is only incurred when using batch ops
duration_list[len(self.ctx_ops)][1] += extra_memory_management_time
total_time = np.sum(duration_list[:, 1])
normalized_times_ms = 1000 * duration_list[:, 1] / np.maximum(duration_list[:, 0], 1)
op_names = ["Op"]
for op in self.ctx_ops + [self.ctx_batch_info] + self.ctx_batch_ops:
if isinstance(op, Sometimes) and op.op:
op_names.append(op.__class__.__name__ + " (" + op.op.__class__.__name__ + ")")
elif isinstance(op, Repeat) and op.op:
op_names.append(op.__class__.__name__ + " (" + op.op.__class__.__name__ + ")")
elif isinstance(op, OneOf) and op.ops:
op_names.append(op.__class__.__name__ + " (" +
", ".join([sub_op.__class__.__name__ for sub_op in op.ops]) + ")")
elif isinstance(op, Fuse) and op.ops:
op_names.append(op.__class__.__name__ + " (" +
", ".join([sub_op.__class__.__name__ for sub_op in op.ops]) + ")")
elif isinstance(op, Batch):
op_names.append("<Collating Batch>")
max_op_len = max(len(op_name) for op_name in op_names)
max_in_len = max(
[len(", ".join(op.inputs))
for op in self.ctx_ops + [self.ctx_batch_info] + self.ctx_batch_ops] + [len("Inputs")])
max_out_len = max([
len(", ".join(op.outputs)) for op in self.ctx_ops + [self.ctx_batch_info] + self.ctx_batch_ops
] + [len("Outputs")])
ms_visit_len = max(len("{:.3f}".format(max(normalized_times_ms))), len("ms / Visit"))
visit_len = max(len(f"{int(np.max(duration_list[:, 0]))}"), len("Visits"))
print("{}: {}: {}: {}: {}: {}".format("Op".ljust(max_op_len + 1),
"Inputs".ljust(max_in_len + 1),
"Outputs".ljust(max_out_len + 1),
"ms / Visit".ljust(ms_visit_len + 1),
"Visits".ljust(visit_len + 1),
"Time (Total)".rjust(12)))
print("-" * (max_op_len + max_in_len + max_out_len + visit_len + 37))
for i, op in enumerate(self.ctx_ops + [self.ctx_batch_info] + self.ctx_batch_ops):
print("{}: {}: {}: {}: {}: {:11.2f}%".format(
op_names[i + 1].ljust(max_op_len + 1),
", ".join(op.inputs).ljust(max_in_len + 1),
", ".join(op.outputs).ljust(max_out_len + 1),
"{:.3f}".format(normalized_times_ms[i]).ljust(ms_visit_len + 1),
str(int(duration_list[i][0])).ljust(visit_len + 1),
100 * duration_list[i][1] / total_time))
if self.ctx_batch_ops:
penalty = round(
100 * (duration_list[len(self.ctx_ops)][1] - extra_memory_management_time) /
print(f"\nNote that collation time would be cut by ~{penalty}% if there were no batched ops.")
print("\n") # to make printing more obvious
def get_scheduled_items(self, mode: str) -> List[Any]:
"""Get a list of items considered for scheduling.
mode: Current execution mode.
List of schedulable items in Pipeline.
all_items = self.ops + [self.batch_size] + list(self.data[mode].values())
return all_items
def get_epochs_with_data(self, total_epochs: int, mode: str) -> Set[int]:
"""Get a set of epoch indices that contains data given mode.
total_epochs: Total number of epochs.
mode: Current execution mode.
Set of epoch indices.
epochs_with_data = set()
datasets = self.data[mode]
for dataset in datasets.values():
if isinstance(dataset, Scheduler):
epochs_with_data_ds = set(epoch for epoch in range(1, total_epochs + 1)
if dataset.get_current_value(epoch))
epochs_with_data = epochs_with_data | epochs_with_data_ds
elif dataset:
epochs_with_data_ds = set(range(1, total_epochs + 1))
epochs_with_data = epochs_with_data | epochs_with_data_ds
return epochs_with_data
def transform(self, data: Dict[str, Any], mode: str, epoch: int = 1, ds_id: str = '',
target_type: str = 'np') -> Union[Dict[str, Any], FilteredData]:
"""Apply all pipeline operations on a given data instance for the specified `mode` and `epoch`.
data: Input data in dictionary format.
mode: The execution mode in which to run. This can be "train", "eval", "test" or "infer".
epoch: The epoch index to run. Note that epoch indices are 1-indexed.
ds_id: The current dataset id.
target_type: What kind of tensor(s) to create. One of "tf", "torch", or "np".
The transformed data.
data = deepcopy(data)
instance_ops, batch_spec, batch_ops = self._get_op_split(mode=mode, epoch=epoch, ds_id=ds_id)
state = {'mode': mode}
op_data = forward_numpyop(instance_ops, data, state)
if isinstance(op_data, FilteredData):
return op_data
data = batch_spec.collate_fn([data])
op_data = forward_numpyop(batch_ops, data, state, batched='torch')
if isinstance(op_data, FilteredData):
return op_data
return to_tensor(data, target_type=target_type)
def get_results(self,
mode: str = "train",
epoch: int = 1,
ds_id: str = '',
num_steps: Literal[1] = 1,
shuffle: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def get_results(self,
mode: str = "train",
epoch: int = 1,
ds_id: str = '',
num_steps: int = 1,
shuffle: bool = False) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
def get_results(self,
mode: str = "train",
epoch: int = 1,
ds_id: str = '',
num_steps: int = 1,
shuffle: bool = False) -> Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get sample Pipeline outputs.
mode: The execution mode in which to run. This can be "train", "eval", or "test".
epoch: The epoch index to run. Note that epoch indices are 1-indexed.
num_steps: Number of steps (batches) to get.
shuffle: Whether to use shuffling.
ds_id: The current dataset id.
A list of batches of Pipeline outputs.
results = []
with self(mode=mode, epoch=epoch, ds_id=ds_id, shuffle=shuffle) as loader:
if isinstance(loader, tf.data.Dataset):
loader = loader.take(num_steps)
if loader:
for idx, batch in enumerate(loader, start=1):
if idx == num_steps:
if len(results) == 1:
results = results[0]
return results
def __call__(self,
mode: str,
epoch: int = 1,
ds_id: str = '',
shuffle: Optional[bool] = None,
steps_per_epoch: Optional[int] = None,
output_keys: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> Self:
"""Prepare this Pipeline for a given `mode` and `epoch`.
A given pipeline can only provide one loader at a time. This helps to prevent issues with multi-threading.
pipe = Pipeline(...)
with pipe(mode='eval', epoch=2) as loader:
for batch in loader:
mode: The execution mode for the loader. This can be 'train', 'eval' or 'test'.
epoch: The epoch index for the loader. Note that epoch indices are 1-indexed.
ds_id: The dataset id to consider for the loader.
shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data. If None, the value for shuffle is based on mode. NOTE: This argument
is only used with FastEstimator Datasets.
steps_per_epoch: Training or Evaluation will be cut short or extended to complete N steps even if loader is
not yet exhausted. If None, all data will be used.
output_keys: What keys can be produced from pipeline. If None or empty, all keys will be considered.
The pipeline, but with `mode` and `epoch` set for use in a loader.
ValueError: If called while the pipeline already has an active loader.
# Make sure that a loader isn't currently instantiated with other settings
acquired = self.ctx_lock.acquire(blocking=False)
if not acquired:
raise ValueError("You cannot invoke a Pipeline's __call__ method while it already has an active loader.")
self.ctx_mode = mode
self.ctx_epoch = epoch
self.ctx_ds_id = ds_id
self.ctx_shuffle = mode == 'train' if shuffle is None else shuffle
self.ctx_steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch
self.ctx_output_keys = output_keys or set()
dataset = self.data[self.ctx_mode][self.ctx_ds_id]
if isinstance(dataset, Scheduler):
dataset = dataset.get_current_value(self.ctx_epoch)
self.ctx_dataset = dataset
if isinstance(dataset, InterleaveDataset):
# if this is InterleaveDataset, then build multiple ops, batch_info, and batch_ops.
self.ctx_ops = []
ctx_batch_infos: List[Batch] = []
ctx_batch_ops_lists: List[List[NumpyOp]] = []
for tag in dataset.tags:
id_tags = {ds_id, tag} if isinstance(tag, str) else ds_id
ctx_ops, ctx_batch_info, ctx_batch_ops = self._get_op_split(mode=mode, epoch=epoch, ds_id=id_tags)
# Decide on the batch size (this might still be ignored later if the user is using a BatchDataset)
self.ctx_batch_size = [ctx_batch_info.batch_size for ctx_batch_info in ctx_batch_infos]
# drop_last and collate_fn for different dataset must be the same, since it is the same dataloader.
same_drop_last = len(set(ctx_batch_info.drop_last for ctx_batch_info in ctx_batch_infos)) == 1
same_collate = len(set(ctx_batch_info.collate_fn for ctx_batch_info in ctx_batch_infos)) == 1
if not same_collate:
pad_val_0 = ctx_batch_infos[0]._pad_value
if pad_val_0 is not None and all([pad_val_0 == pv._pad_value for pv in ctx_batch_infos[1:]]):
# If the user is using pad values and all the pad values are the same, then even though the
# collate functions are bound to different instances, they are all effectively the same function
same_collate = True
assert same_drop_last and same_collate, \
"when using InterleaveDataset, the drop_last and collate behavior for all datasets must be the same"
# Interleave dataset at current scope does not support batch level, need to make sure batchops are the same
assert all(ctx_batch_ops_lists[0] == batch_ops for batch_ops in ctx_batch_ops_lists[1:]), \
"Current InterleaveDataset does not support different dataset behaviors after the BatchOp."
self.ctx_batch_ops = ctx_batch_ops_lists[0]
self.ctx_batch_info = ctx_batch_infos[0]
# fill in the correct batch sizes
for idx, batch_size in enumerate(self.ctx_batch_size):
if batch_size is None:
batch_size = self.batch_size
if isinstance(batch_size, Scheduler):
batch_size = batch_size.get_current_value(self.ctx_epoch)
self.ctx_batch_size[idx] = batch_size
self.ctx_ops, self.ctx_batch_info, self.ctx_batch_ops = self._get_op_split(mode=mode,
# Decide on the batch size (this might still be ignored later if the user is using a BatchDataset)
self.ctx_batch_size = self.ctx_batch_info.batch_size
if self.ctx_batch_size is None:
# batch size
batch_size = self.batch_size
if isinstance(batch_size, Scheduler):
batch_size = batch_size.get_current_value(self.ctx_epoch)
self.ctx_batch_size = batch_size
# Figure out which input keys are required by the batch ops (so they don't get pruned too early)
self.ctx_batch_input_keys = set()
batch_produced_keys = set()
for op in get_current_items(self.ctx_batch_ops, mode, epoch, ds_id=ds_id):
self.ctx_batch_input_keys.update(set(key for key in op.inputs if key not in batch_produced_keys))
return self
def __enter__(self) -> Union[DataLoader, tf.data.Dataset]:
"""Get a data loader from the Pipeline for the current epoch and mode.
A given pipeline can only provide one loader at a time. This helps to prevent issues with multi-threading.
pipe = Pipeline(...)
with pipe(mode='eval', epoch=2) as loader:
for batch in loader:
A data loader for the current `mode` and `epoch`.
ValueError: If called while the pipeline already has an active loader.
acquired = self.ctx_lock.acquire(blocking=False)
if not acquired:
raise ValueError("You cannot generate a new loader from this Pipeline before closing its other loader.")
# Release the lock if arguments are invalid so that people in Jupyter / debug consoles don't get stuck
if self.ctx_mode not in self.data:
raise KeyError(f"Pipeline has no data for mode '{self.ctx_mode}'")
if self.ctx_ds_id not in self.data[self.ctx_mode]:
raise KeyError(f"The dataset id '{self.ctx_ds_id}' is not present in {self.ctx_mode} mode")
if isinstance(self.ctx_dataset, InterleaveDataset):
# Results will be immediately converted to tensors, so don't need deep_remainder
op_datasets = [
self.ctx_output_keys | self.ctx_batch_input_keys if self.ctx_output_keys else None,
deep_remainder=False) for ds,
ctx_ops in zip(self.ctx_dataset.datasets, self.ctx_ops)
self.ctx_dataset.op_datasets = op_datasets
# when batch_size is None, then it indicates each sample is a batch
self.ctx_dataset.set_batch_sizes([batch_size or 1 for batch_size in self.ctx_batch_size])
postprocess_fn = None
if self.ctx_batch_ops:
postprocess_fn = functools.partial(_batch_postprocess,
data = FEDataLoader(self.ctx_dataset,
except ValueError as err:
raise err
self.ctx_loader = data
elif isinstance(self.ctx_dataset, Dataset):
# Results will be immediately converted to tensors, so don't need deep_remainder
op_dataset = OpDataset(self.ctx_dataset,
self.ctx_output_keys | self.ctx_batch_input_keys if self.ctx_output_keys else None,
# check whether to batch the data
batch_size = None if op_dataset.fe_batch else self.ctx_batch_size
# Figure out whether a postprocessing function is needed (for batched ops)
postprocess_fn = None
if self.ctx_batch_ops:
postprocess_fn = functools.partial(_batch_postprocess,
data = FEDataLoader(op_dataset,
except ValueError as err:
raise err
self.ctx_loader = data
self.ctx_loader = self.ctx_dataset
return self.ctx_loader
def __exit__(self, *exc: Tuple[Optional[Type], Optional[Exception], Optional[Any]]) -> None:
if self.ctx_loader is not None and hasattr(self.ctx_loader, 'shutdown'):
self.ctx_loader = None
# Manually triggering gc here seems to be necessary in order to avoid problems with repeated invocations of FE
# killing one another through multi-processing.