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Bases: DirDataset

A specialized DirDataset to handle MSCOCO data.

This dataset combines images from the MSCOCO data directory with their corresponding bboxes, masks, and captions.


Name Type Description Default
image_dir str

The path the directory containing MSOCO images.

annotation_file str

The path to the file containing annotation data.

caption_file str

The path the file containing caption data.

keypoint_file str

The path the file containing keypoint data.

include_bboxes bool

Whether images should be paired with their associated bounding boxes.

include_masks bool

Whether images should be paired with their associated masks.

include_captions bool

Whether images should be paired with their associated captions.

include_keypoints bool

Whether images should be paired with keypoints.


Bounding boxes with a total area less than min_bbox_area will be discarded.

replacement bool

If true, images without requested attributes will be ignored and other images may be oversampled in order to take their place.

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/data/
class MSCOCODataset(DirDataset):
    """A specialized DirDataset to handle MSCOCO data.

    This dataset combines images from the MSCOCO data directory with their corresponding bboxes, masks, and captions.

        image_dir: The path the directory containing MSOCO images.
        annotation_file: The path to the file containing annotation data.
        caption_file: The path the file containing caption data.
        keypoint_file: The path the file containing keypoint data.
        include_bboxes: Whether images should be paired with their associated bounding boxes.
        include_masks: Whether images should be paired with their associated masks.
        include_captions: Whether images should be paired with their associated captions.
        include_keypoints: Whether images should be paired with keypoints.
        min_bbox_area: Bounding boxes with a total area less than `min_bbox_area` will be discarded.
        replacement: If true, images without requested attributes will be ignored and other images may be oversampled in
            order to take their place.

    instances: Optional[COCO]
    captions: Optional[COCO]

    def __init__(self,
                 image_dir: str,
                 annotation_file: str,
                 caption_file: str,
                 keypoint_file: str,
                 include_bboxes: bool = True,
                 include_masks: bool = False,
                 include_captions: bool = False,
                 include_keypoints: bool = False,
                 replacement: bool = True) -> None:
        super().__init__(root_dir=image_dir, data_key="image", recursive_search=False)
        if include_masks:
            assert include_bboxes, "must include bboxes with mask data"
        self.include_bboxes = include_bboxes
        self.include_masks = include_masks
        self.min_bbox_area = min_bbox_area
        self.replacement = replacement
        with Suppressor():
            self.instances = COCO(annotation_file) if include_bboxes or include_masks else None
            self.captions = COCO(caption_file) if include_captions else None
            self.keypoints = COCO(keypoint_file) if include_keypoints else None

    def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, str]) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], np.ndarray, List[Any]]:
        """Look up data from the dataset.

            index: Either an int corresponding to a particular element of data, or a string in which case the
                corresponding column of data will be returned. If bboxes, masks, or captions are required and the data
                at the desired index does not have one or more of these features, then data from a random index which
                does have all necessary features will be fetched instead.

            A data dictionary if the index was an int, otherwise a column of data in list format.
        has_data = False
        response = {}
        while not has_data:
            has_box, has_mask, has_caption, has_keypoint = True, True, True, True
            response = self._get_single_item(index)
            if isinstance(index, str):
                return response
            if self.include_bboxes and not response["bbox"]:
                has_box = False
            if self.include_masks and not response["mask"]:
                has_mask = False
            if self.captions and not response["caption"]:
                has_caption = False
            if self.keypoints and not response["keypoint"]:
                has_keypoint = False
            has_data = has_box and has_mask and has_caption and has_keypoint if self.replacement else True
            index = np.random.randint(len(self))
        return response

    def _get_single_item(self, index: Union[int, str]) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], np.ndarray, List[Any]]:
        """Look up data from the dataset.

            index: Either an int corresponding to a particular element of data, or a string in which case the
                corresponding column of data will be returned.

            A data dictionary if the index was an int, otherwise a column of data in list format.
        response = super().__getitem__(index)
        if isinstance(index, str):
            return response
            response = deepcopy(response)
        image = response["image"]
        image_id = int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image))[0])
        response["image_id"] = image_id
        if self.include_bboxes or self.include_masks:
            self._populate_instance_data(response, image_id)
        if self.captions:
            self._populate_caption_data(response, image_id)
        if self.keypoints:
            self._populate_keypoint_data(response, image_id)
        return response

    def _populate_instance_data(self, data: Dict[str, Any], image_id: int) -> None:
        """Add instance data to a data dictionary.

            data: The dictionary to be augmented.
            image_id: The id of the image for which to find data.
        if self.include_bboxes:
            data["bbox"] = []
        if self.include_masks:
            data["mask"] = []
        annotation_ids = self.instances.getAnnIds(imgIds=image_id, iscrowd=None)
        if annotation_ids:
            annotations = self.instances.loadAnns(annotation_ids)
            for annotation in annotations:
                if annotation["bbox"][2] * annotation["bbox"][3] > self.min_bbox_area:
                    if self.include_bboxes:
                        data["bbox"].append(tuple(annotation['bbox'] + [annotation['category_id']]))
                    if self.include_masks:

    def _populate_caption_data(self, data: Dict[str, Any], image_id: int) -> None:
        """Add captions to a data dictionary.

            data: The dictionary to be augmented.
            image_id: The id of the image for which to find captions.
        data["caption"] = []
        annotation_ids = self.captions.getAnnIds(imgIds=image_id)
        if annotation_ids:
            annotations = self.captions.loadAnns(annotation_ids)
            for annotation in annotations:

    def _populate_keypoint_data(self, data: Dict[str, Any], image_id: int) -> None:
        """Add keypoints to a data dictionary.

            data: The dictionary to be augmented.
            image_id: The id of the image for which to find captions.
        data["keypoint"] = []
        data["keypoint_bbox"] = []
        annotation_ids = self.keypoints.getAnnIds(imgIds=image_id)
        if annotation_ids:
            annotations = self.keypoints.loadAnns(annotation_ids)
            for annotation in annotations:
                if annotation['num_keypoints'] > 0:
                    data["keypoint"].append(np.array(annotation['keypoints']).reshape(17, 3).astype('int32'))


Load and return the COCO dataset.


Name Type Description Default
root_dir Optional[str]

The path to store the downloaded data. When path is not provided, the data will be saved into fastestimator_data under the user's home directory.

load_bboxes bool

Whether to load bbox-related data, in [x1, y1, w, h] format.

load_masks bool

Whether to load mask data (in the form of an array of 1-hot images).

load_captions bool

Whether to load caption-related data.

load_keypoints bool

Whether to load keypoint data, in format of [array(17, 3)]. 17 is the number of keypoints, 3 is the keypoint format in (x,y,v) with x,y being coordinate and v being visibility. v=0 means not labeled, v=1 means labeled but not visible, and v=2 means labeled and visible. In addition, the bbox of keypoint object will also be available under 'keypoint_bbox' key.

replacement bool

If the specific attribute is missing (like bbox), whether to replace the sample with another random sample.



Type Description
Tuple[MSCOCODataset, MSCOCODataset]

(train_data, eval_data)

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/data/
def load_data(root_dir: Optional[str] = None,
              load_bboxes: bool = True,
              load_masks: bool = False,
              load_captions: bool = False,
              load_keypoints: bool = False,
              replacement: bool = True) -> Tuple[MSCOCODataset, MSCOCODataset]:
    """Load and return the COCO dataset.

        root_dir: The path to store the downloaded data. When `path` is not provided, the data will be saved into
            `fastestimator_data` under the user's home directory.
        load_bboxes: Whether to load bbox-related data, in [x1, y1, w, h] format.
        load_masks: Whether to load mask data (in the form of an array of 1-hot images).
        load_captions: Whether to load caption-related data.
        load_keypoints: Whether to load keypoint data, in format of [array(17, 3)]. 17 is the number of keypoints, 3
            is the keypoint format in (x,y,v) with x,y being coordinate and v being visibility. v=0 means not labeled,
            v=1 means labeled but not visible, and v=2 means labeled and visible. In addition, the bbox of keypoint
            object will also be available under 'keypoint_bbox' key.
        replacement: If the specific attribute is missing (like bbox), whether to replace the sample with another random

        (train_data, eval_data)
    if root_dir is None:
        root_dir = os.path.join(str(Path.home()), 'fastestimator_data', 'MSCOCO2017')
        root_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(root_dir), 'MSCOCO2017')
    os.makedirs(root_dir, exist_ok=True)

    train_data = os.path.join(root_dir, "train2017")
    eval_data = os.path.join(root_dir, "val2017")
    annotation_data = os.path.join(root_dir, "annotations")

    files = [(train_data, "", ''),
             (eval_data, "", ''),

    for data_dir, zip_name, download_url in files:
        if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
            zip_path = os.path.join(root_dir, zip_name)
            # Download
            if not os.path.exists(zip_path):
                print("Downloading {} to {}".format(zip_name, root_dir))
      , zip_path, bar=bar_custom)
            # Extract
            print("Extracting {}".format(zip_name))
            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_file:
    train_ds = MSCOCODataset(train_data,
                             annotation_file=os.path.join(annotation_data, "instances_train2017.json"),
                             caption_file=os.path.join(annotation_data, "captions_train2017.json"),
                             keypoint_file=os.path.join(annotation_data, "person_keypoints_train2017.json"),
    eval_ds = MSCOCODataset(eval_data,
                            annotation_file=os.path.join(annotation_data, "instances_val2017.json"),
                            caption_file=os.path.join(annotation_data, "captions_val2017.json"),
                            keypoint_file=os.path.join(annotation_data, "person_keypoints_val2017.json"),
    return train_ds, eval_ds