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Bases: FEDataset

A specialized DirDataset to handle PascalVoc2012 data.

This dataset combines images from the PascalVoc data directory with their corresponding bboxes, masks, and captions.


Name Type Description Default
root_dir str

The path the directory containing MSOCO images.

include_bboxes bool

Whether images should be paired with their associated bounding boxes.

include_masks bool

Whether images should be paired with their associated masks.

image_set str

To choose Training data or Validation data. Must be one of ["train", "trainval", "val"]

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/data/
class PascalVoc(FEDataset):
    """A specialized DirDataset to handle PascalVoc2012 data.

    This dataset combines images from the PascalVoc data directory with their corresponding bboxes, masks, and captions.

        root_dir: The path the directory containing MSOCO images.
        include_bboxes: Whether images should be paired with their associated bounding boxes.
        include_masks: Whether images should be paired with their associated masks.
        image_set: To choose Training data or Validation data. Must be one of ["train", "trainval", "val"]

    def __init__(self,
                 root_dir: str,
                 include_bboxes: bool = False,
                 include_masks: bool = True,
                 image_set: str = "train") -> None:
        self.include_bboxes = include_bboxes
        self.include_masks = include_masks

        valid_image_sets = ["train", "trainval", "val"]

        if image_set not in valid_image_sets:
            raise ValueError('image_set must be either "train", "trainval" or "val" but received : ' + image_set)

        if self.include_masks:
            splits_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "ImageSets", "Segmentation")
            split_f = os.path.join(splits_dir, image_set.rstrip("\n") + ".txt")
            with open(os.path.join(split_f)) as f:
                self.seg_file_names = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]

            image_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "JPEGImages")
            self.seg_images = {x: os.path.join(image_dir, x + ".jpg") for x in self.seg_file_names}

            target_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "SegmentationClass")
            self.seg_targets = {x: os.path.join(target_dir, x + ".png") for x in self.seg_file_names}
            self.seg_file_names = []

        if self.include_bboxes:
            splits_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "ImageSets", "Main")
            split_f = os.path.join(splits_dir, image_set.rstrip("\n") + ".txt")
            with open(os.path.join(split_f)) as f:
                self.bbox_file_names = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]

            image_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "JPEGImages")
            self.box_images = {x: os.path.join(image_dir, x + ".jpg") for x in self.bbox_file_names}

            target_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "Annotations")
            self.box_targets = {x: os.path.join(target_dir, x + ".xml") for x in self.bbox_file_names}

            self.cls2ind = dict(zip(VOC_CLASSES, range(len(VOC_CLASSES))))

            self.bbox_file_names = []

        # Merge filenames
        self.image_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "JPEGImages")
        self.filenames = list(set(self.bbox_file_names).union(set(self.seg_file_names)))

    def __len__(self):
        # Return Length of Dataset
        return len(self.filenames)

    def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, str]) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], np.ndarray, List[Any]]:
        """Fetch a data instance at a specified index.

            index: Which datapoint to retrieve.
            The data dictionary from the specified index.
        filename = self.filenames[index]
        response = {}
        # Read Image
        image = os.path.join(self.image_dir, filename + ".jpg")
        image = cv2.imread(image)
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        response['image'] = image
        # Read Annotations
        if self.include_bboxes:
            bbox = self._populate_bbox_data(filename)
            response['bbox'] = bbox
        if self.include_masks:
            mask = self._populate_mask_data(filename)
            response['mask'] = mask

        return response

    def _populate_bbox_data(self, filename: str) -> None:
        """Add Bounding boxes data to a data dictionary.

            filename: The filename of the image for which to find data.
        if self.box_images.get(filename) is None:
            return []

        target = self.parse_voc_xml(ET_parse(self.box_targets[filename]).getroot())

        # TO-DO
        # The following function can also be used to output pose for each bbox
        bbox = self.get_objects(target)

        return bbox

    def parse_voc_xml(node) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Parse xml file to read Bounding Box annotations of individual image files
        voc_dict = {}
        children = list(node)
        if children:
            def_dic = collections.defaultdict(list)
            for dc in map(PascalVoc.parse_voc_xml, children):
                for ind, v in dc.items():
            if node.tag == "annotation":
                def_dic["object"] = [def_dic["object"]]
            voc_dict = {node.tag: {ind: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v for ind, v in def_dic.items()}}
        if node.text:
            text = node.text.strip()
            if not children:
                voc_dict[node.tag] = text
        return voc_dict

    def get_objects(self, ann_dict):
        Fetch and rearange Bounding box coordinates

        objects = ann_dict['annotation']['object']
        bbox = []
        for obj in objects:
            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = obj['bndbox']['xmin'], obj['bndbox']['ymin'], obj['bndbox']['xmax'], obj['bndbox']['ymax']
            cid = self.cls2ind[obj['name']]
            bbox.append((int(xmin), int(ymin), int(xmax), int(ymax), cid))

        return bbox

    def _populate_mask_data(self, filename: str) -> None:
        """Add Semantic Mask data to a data dictionary.

            filename: The filename of the image for which to find data.
        if self.seg_images.get(filename) is None:
            return None

        mask = cv2.imread(self.seg_targets[filename])
        mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        # convert pixel masks to multidimentional
        height, width = mask.shape[:2]
        segmentation_mask = np.zeros((height, width, len(VOC_COLORMAP)), dtype=np.float32)
        for label_index, label in enumerate(VOC_COLORMAP):
            segmentation_mask[:, :, label_index] = np.all(mask == label, axis=-1).astype(float)

        return segmentation_mask


Fetch and rearange Bounding box coordinates

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/data/
def get_objects(self, ann_dict):
    Fetch and rearange Bounding box coordinates

    objects = ann_dict['annotation']['object']
    bbox = []
    for obj in objects:
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = obj['bndbox']['xmin'], obj['bndbox']['ymin'], obj['bndbox']['xmax'], obj['bndbox']['ymax']
        cid = self.cls2ind[obj['name']]
        bbox.append((int(xmin), int(ymin), int(xmax), int(ymax), cid))

    return bbox

parse_voc_xml staticmethod

Parse xml file to read Bounding Box annotations of individual image files

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/data/
def parse_voc_xml(node) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Parse xml file to read Bounding Box annotations of individual image files
    voc_dict = {}
    children = list(node)
    if children:
        def_dic = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for dc in map(PascalVoc.parse_voc_xml, children):
            for ind, v in dc.items():
        if node.tag == "annotation":
            def_dic["object"] = [def_dic["object"]]
        voc_dict = {node.tag: {ind: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v for ind, v in def_dic.items()}}
    if node.text:
        text = node.text.strip()
        if not children:
            voc_dict[node.tag] = text
    return voc_dict


Load and return the PascalVoc dataset.


Name Type Description Default
root_dir Optional[str]

The path to store the downloaded data. When path is not provided, the data will be saved into fastestimator_data under the user's home directory.

load_bboxes bool

Whether to load bbox-related data, in [x1, y1, x2, y2, class] format.

load_masks bool

Whether to load mask data (in the form of an array of 1-hot images).



Type Description
Tuple[PascalVoc, PascalVoc]

(train_data, eval_data)

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/data/
def load_data(root_dir: Optional[str] = None, load_bboxes: bool = False,
              load_masks: bool = True) -> Tuple[PascalVoc, PascalVoc]:
    """Load and return the PascalVoc dataset.

        root_dir: The path to store the downloaded data. When `path` is not provided, the data will be saved into
            `fastestimator_data` under the user's home directory.
        load_bboxes: Whether to load bbox-related data, in [x1, y1, x2, y2, class] format.
        load_masks: Whether to load mask data (in the form of an array of 1-hot images).

        (train_data, eval_data)
    home = str(Path.home())

    if root_dir is None:
        root_dir = os.path.join(home, 'fastestimator_data', 'PascalVoc')
        root_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(root_dir), 'PascalVoc')
    os.makedirs(root_dir, exist_ok=True)

    data_folder = os.path.join(root_dir, "VOCdevkit", "VOC2012")
    compressed_image_location = os.path.join(root_dir, 'VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar')

    if not os.path.exists(data_folder):
        print("Downloading data to {}".format(root_dir))
        download_file_from_google_drive('1jeGqQUNxClNoQgp7HxbRvOvkVWvkQCKl', compressed_image_location)

        print("Extracting data to {}".format(root_dir))
        shutil.unpack_archive(compressed_image_location, root_dir)

    train_ds = PascalVoc(data_folder, include_bboxes=load_bboxes, include_masks=load_masks, image_set="train")
    eval_ds = PascalVoc(data_folder, include_bboxes=load_bboxes, include_masks=load_masks, image_set='val')
    return train_ds, eval_ds