class LRScheduler(Trace):
"""Learning rate scheduler trace that changes the learning rate while training.
This class requires an input function which takes either 'epoch' or 'step' as input:
s = LRScheduler(model=model, lr_fn=lambda step: fe.schedule.cosine_decay(step, cycle_length=3750, init_lr=1e-3))
fe.Estimator(..., traces=[s]) # Learning rate will change based on step
s = LRScheduler(model=model, lr_fn=lambda epoch: fe.schedule.cosine_decay(epoch, cycle_length=3750, init_lr=1e-3))
fe.Estimator(..., traces=[s]) # Learning rate will change based on epoch
model: A model instance compiled with fe.build.
lr_fn: A lr scheduling function that takes either 'epoch' or 'step' as input, or the string 'arc'.
ds_id: What dataset id(s) to execute this Trace in. To execute regardless of ds_id, pass None. To execute in all
ds_ids except for a particular one, you can pass an argument like "!ds1".
AssertionError: If the `lr_fn` is not configured properly.
system: System
def __init__(self,
model: Union[tf.keras.Model, torch.nn.Module],
lr_fn: Union[str, Callable[[int], float]],
ds_id: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None) -> None:
self.model = model
self.lr_fn = ARC() if lr_fn == "arc" else lr_fn
assert hasattr(self.lr_fn, "__call__") or isinstance(self.lr_fn, ARC), "lr_fn must be either a function or ARC"
if isinstance(self.lr_fn, ARC):
self.schedule_mode = "epoch"
arg = list(inspect.signature(lr_fn).parameters.keys())
assert len(arg) == 1 and arg[0] in {"step", "epoch"}, "the lr_fn input arg must be either 'step' or 'epoch'"
self.schedule_mode = arg[0]
super().__init__(outputs=self.model.model_name + "_lr", ds_id=ds_id)
def on_begin(self, data: Data) -> None:
if isinstance(self.lr_fn, ARC):
assert len(self.model.loss_name) == 1, "arc can only work with single model loss"
self.lr_fn.use_eval_loss = "eval" in self.system.pipeline.data
def on_epoch_begin(self, data: Data) -> None:
if self.system.mode == "train" and self.schedule_mode == "epoch":
if isinstance(self.lr_fn, ARC):
if self.system.epoch_idx > 1 and (self.system.epoch_idx % self.lr_fn.frequency == 1
or self.lr_fn.frequency == 1):
multiplier = self.lr_fn.predict_next_multiplier()
new_lr = np.float32(get_lr(model=self.model) * multiplier)
set_lr(self.model, new_lr)
print("FastEstimator-ARC: Multiplying LR by {}".format(multiplier))
new_lr = np.float32(self.lr_fn(self.system.epoch_idx))
set_lr(self.model, new_lr)
def on_batch_begin(self, data: Data) -> None:
if self.system.mode == "train" and self.schedule_mode == "step":
new_lr = np.float32(self.lr_fn(self.system.global_step))
set_lr(self.model, new_lr)
def on_batch_end(self, data: Data) -> None:
if self.system.mode == "train" and isinstance(self.lr_fn, ARC):
if self.system.mode == "train" and self.system.log_steps and (self.system.global_step % self.system.log_steps
== 0 or self.system.global_step == 1):
current_lr = np.float32(get_lr(self.model))
data.write_with_log(self.outputs[0], current_lr)
def on_epoch_end(self, data: Data) -> None:
if self.system.mode == "eval" and isinstance(self.lr_fn, ARC):
if self.system.epoch_idx % self.lr_fn.frequency == 0:
if self.system.mode == "train" and isinstance(self.lr_fn,
ARC) and self.system.epoch_idx % self.lr_fn.frequency == 0: